Monday, September 23, 2013

Masking Tape Makeover

Ello Govena'! 

Once again I have to thank Pinterest for inspiring this project of mine. I never thought of using Masking Tape as form of decoration until I found this pin: 23 Ideas For Apartment Decorating. Scroll down and you'll see the kitchen decorated with black tribal looking designs. I thought this was an amazing idea. It's cheap and not permanent. You can easily remove it when you move out of your apartment.

My roommate and I are always looking for ways to bring life to our very bland, neutral, blah colored apartment. I thought, using colorful masking tape would be a great way to bring a splash of color to our kitchen area. I used 5 different colors of Scotch Expressions Masking Tape, and regular blue painters masking tape. I had to go to a few different stores (Staples, Micheals, Office Max, Home Depot) to find different colors. It seems to becoming more popular and Scotch has now made many different colors and patterns of Washi Tape. (I recently ordered a pack of Washi Tape on Cutetape for a future project to do in my room. =D Stay Tuned)!

This was my Summer project that I finally finished today! It was a slow process because I kept running out of pattern ideas! I had to look at magazines and on Pinterest for inspiration.
 I decided to get fancy with one of the cabinets and created a beach picture. It was very time consuming. I spent many hours sitting on the couch watching Netflix cutting masking tape into these designs. I thought they turned out really well!
So far everyone who has seen my kitchen in person loves it! I'm so happy it's finally finished! Hope this has inspired you and your next project.

Be seeing you,

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