Sunday, January 27, 2013

Paint Swatch Wall

Happy Weekend! 

Kathryn Begle and I have completed another Pinterest inspired project for our apartment! 

Pinterest Inspiration: Paint Swatch Wall

I actually found this quite a few months back, but I just never thought of actually doing it. One day I yelled, "Kathryn, can I do this." She leans over to look at my Pinterest decor album and says, "Do it." So we became starving artists and made what is free art essentially.

It just takes a sneeky "theft" to successfully nab the entire rainbow of swatches from paint stores. I went to Lowes (3 times), Home Depot (2 times), and Mark's Paint Store (1 time). Keep grabbing swatches until you have a pretty impressive rainbow of each color. Tip: Don't forget the in between (blended colors) like yellow-green, blueish-purple, etc cause I had to go back again to get more. 

I copied the lady from the Pinterest picture and taped my floor with the dimensions of our wall. From there I was able to plan the layout of all the swatches (and see what I needed more of). I think if I tried winging it and immediately started taping the swatches to the wall, it would have been horrible. This step is very important. I tried doing a diagonal effect like the lady, but as you can see it didn't really go so perfectly, but I knew the TV would cover up a lot of the bottom. 

To remember my spacing of each swatch, I took a picture of each color section from the layout on the floor. I put the pictures on my computer so I was able to reference them each time I taped a new one up. This is really a two person project. Kathryn nicely taped every swatch and handed them to me, one by one, as I taped them on the wall. The only expense of this project was the tape. I just bought a 4 pack of tape from Target, and we used about 3 of them. 

3 Hours Later...
(and a food break)

Ta Da!

1 comment :

  1. Hi Ashley,

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