Sunday, May 12, 2013

50 reasons why being a Guy is much easier than being a Girl

This topic constantly comes up between myself and others. Sometimes guys ask, "what makes being a guy so much easier?" I am then forced to rattled off a few that come to mind...(leaving off about 50 plus reasons why being a guy is so much easier than being a girl).

Well guys, here ya go.

My 50 Reasons why being a Guy is way easier than being a Girl:
1. They don't wear bras.
2. They can't get pregnant.
3. They don't have to deal with having a period every. single. month.
4. They don't have to wear make up.
5. They don't have to spend tons of money on make up.
6. They don't have to spend lots of money on bras/underwear.
7. Picking out their "swim suit" involves pulling a pair of shorts off a clothing rack.
8. Their hair dries in like 2 minutes.
9. They don't have to shave their legs or underarms.
10. They don't have to put on make up in the morning to look decent enough to go into public.
11. They don't really need to fix their hair.
12. They don't need to own hair dryers.
13. Some don't even own a brush!
14. They can get into a fight with another dude and be their friend the next day (unlike women).
15. They spend less money on jewelry.
16. They don't have to wear heels.
17. They don't have to take the time to take off all the damn make up at night.
18. They don't feel like crap from the symptoms of PMS.
19. They are MUCH less likely to get breast cancer.
20. Men are less likely to get an autoimmune disease than Women.
21. They don't deal with all that pressure on what women should look like based on the media, magazines, photos, and society.
22. They get paid more at their jobs.
23. They can lose fat when exercising easier.
24. They don't have to pluck/wax their eye brows (although some should).
25. They aren't expected to have pretty fingernails/toenails.
26. They don't have to spend money on nail polish, files, manicures or pedicures. (I know some do, though).
27. They don't have to wear tampons or pads.
28. They don't have to buy those expensive tampons and pads.
29. They rarely have to deal with people beeping, hooting, or hollering (cat calling) them by creepy men.
30. They rarely get their ass grabbed or treated as an object by jerk men.
31. I don't know the last time I ever heard of a guy getting the date rape drug?
32. Men can sleep with tons of people and get a high five, while women are seen as sluts.
33. They aren't as emotional.
34. Back in the day they blamed Women when they did not bare a son, when it is the male's duty to provide the Y chromosome!
35. Men aren't catty.
36. Men dominate the Entertainment Industry...more likely to get a job.
37. Men are less likely to get taken advantage of (money wise!) by salesmen, mechanics, etc
38. They can walk around alone at night and be safer than a woman would.
39. They are physically stronger.
40. They can take their shirts off and it's not considered "indecent exposure."
41. They don't have to go through the act of HAVING a baby.
42. They can pick out clothes for their body much easier.
43. They dont have to worry about loosing hair clips, booby pins, or hair ties.
44. It's easy for Men to "dress up."
45. They use wayyy less toilet paper than ladies do...saving more $$.
46. They don't have to worry about birth control.
47. Men don't often cry.
48. Men keep true friends and don't deal with gossipy bullying from mean girls in Middle/High School...and through-out life.
49. Men worry about their appearance less than Women.
50. They aren't constantly pressured for sex.

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