Monday, November 5, 2012

No Sweets November

You Guys have "No Shave Novemeber" so I thought I'd try to stop doing something as well...

I whipped out my gel pens from the 8th grade (Yes, I still have them) to create a calendar to mark off my progress. I'm going to try to not eat sweets for the month of November. Do I think I can do it? Of course not. (Let's be real) But I want to try! To start, I'm giving myself the goal of going 1 week without eating sweets.

This includes:
Chocolate of any kind
Things made out of pure sugar, or lots of sugar
Baked treats (brownies, cookies, donuts, etc)

If you know me, you will understand how incredibly difficult this is going to be for me. I have the biggest sweet tooth known to man, and I have a ridiculous weakness for Oreos. Ask anyone.

What I've been noticing is that people see results, pretty quickly, when they cut out certain things. Men seem to shred unwanted weight from cutting out fast food (or beer) completely. Women usually see results after cutting out soft drinks. (Atleast my mom did). I don't really eat that much fast food, and I rarely ever drink soft drinks (never beer) these days...So...That only leaves what I do eat too often...Sweets.

I'll let you know how I feel in a week whether I feel marvelous or if I'm dying from withdraws.

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