Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dunk 'em or Dump 'em

Happy Birthday Oreo!!!! 

The Oreo cookie had it's 100th birthday this year. So, in honor of the Oreo, and my burning  passion of a thousand suns for them...I share with you my taste critique. =) I would consider myself an Oreo expert, so you should take this critique seriously. I can successfully taste test Oreos blindfolded and tell you what kind it is. Woah. Get ready. 

We must start with The Original Oreo. This was my favorite for many years. I liked to keep it Original. Unfortunately, The Original Oreo has become much smaller. There is much less icing than a few years ago. In result, I must buy the Double Stuf Oreo to get a sufficient amount of icing. 

Sorry, Oreo. It's on the borderline. I say Dump 'em, but it's always nice to have a dunk for old times sake. 

3.5 out of 5

Double Stuf time! This is definitely many people's go to Oreo of choice. I'm not as obsessed with the icing as others. Sometimes I feel like I'm eating pure icing. These make me full quickly, especially when dunked with milk. I only eat about 5 and I'm done. They have been packaging them with less and less cookies over time. =( Nevertheless, Double Stuf is a solid Oreo cookie of choice. 

Dunk 'em!

4 out of 5

Mini Oreos! These little bitty Oreo's are delicious morsels of goodness. They are great for On-The-Go Oreo cravings. They aren't the prettiest oreos of the bunch, but they get the job done. These little Oreos are good for people who aren't huge fans of the icing, but love the cookie. 

Warning: You will eat about 58 of them before realizing you've almost the entire bag. 

Dunk 'em! 
(This may be difficult, but hey...Oreo cereal anyone)?

4.5 out of 5

The Golden Oreo. It's hard for me to call these cookies an Oreo. They are a really good vanilla flavored cookie with icing...but not really an Oreo. Don't get me wrong. I love these, but I'm not reaching for them when I'm craving some Oreos. They are missing the chocolaty goodness that makes an Oreo, an Oreo. I would recommend these for vanilla lovers...or for those people who somehow hate chocolate (what?). 

Dunk 'em! 

4 out of 5

The Cool Mint Oreo. I have to admit, I was nervous to try these Oreos. I really didn't think I would like them. I took them to work for my co-workers to demolish. I made a friend taste one and they really enjoyed it. Once you open this package an enticing mint aroma fills your nostrils which sends a direct message to your brain to inhale the bag of Oreos immediately. I am a huge fan of these Oreos. If you like Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies...this is the Oreo for you. 


5 out of 5 

Peanut Butter Oreo Fudge Cremes! Even the name of this Oreo is mouth watering. I had to find pictures of these oreos online because this was the first bag of Oreos I finished when I received them for my birthday. They are scrumptious. Sadly, you don't get very many of these Oreos in a package. If Tagalong Girl Scout cookies are your favorite, you will appreciate this Oreo. They aren't as good as Tagalongs, but they will hold you over until the next Girl Scout Cookie season. 

Dunk 'em. 

4.5 out of 5

Heads or Tails Oreos. Whether you choose heads or tails you lose with these. I was not impressed by these Oreos. This Oreo is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but not my taste buds. The vanilla part of the Oreo overpowers the entire thing, which makes it just another package of Golden Oreos. Interesting idea, but not a unique taste. 

Dump 'em.  

2 out of 5

Triple Double Oreo. This Oreo is intense. It's a triple decker Oreo, but do not be fooled by it's appearance. This cookie is harder to bite into, because of its numerous layers. The 3 layers of cookie are overpowering to where you can't even taste the icing. It's sad but true. I suppose this cookie, like the Mini Oreo, would be great for people who aren't a fan of icing but love the cookie. 

Dump 'em

2 out of 5

Handi Snacks Oreo. (They need to work on a better name for these) BUT CHECK THIS OUT! Have you ever seen these before?!?! Neither had I. They take me back to the good ol' days of DunkAroos. Remember those? This is the same idea. You have oreo sticks that you break apart and dunk into the icing pool as much as your heart desires. These would be an excellent dessert to be tossed into a kid's lunch box. (Take note Moms). I'm a fan. 

Dunk 'em

4.5 out of 5

Winter Oreos!!!!!!! Yes, that many exclamation points mean these are my favorite Oreos of all time. ANY type of Holiday/Season Oreos ARE THE BEEESSTTT! They make a few different kinds: Spring Oreos (yellow icing),  Summer Oreos (blue icing), Halloween Oreos (orange icing), and Winter Oreo (red icing). They aren't sold in all stores. You can always find these types are Target. Any time these Oreos are in store, I buy about 3 bags. These Oreos taste the best. I promise you. They have the perfect amount of icing. They are sweeter and taste the most fresh. People don't want to believe me, but trust me...I know my Oreos. Get a glass of milk ready. 

DUNK 'em!!

5 out of 5

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