Friday, December 9, 2011

Los Angeles is a bit...different

Hey everyone,

Two blogs in a row! WOAH! Yeah, I spent my Friday night making this video blog. It's bit longer than the first but I hope you enjoy it. Since moving to Los Angeles I have a learned so much, and noticed some MAJOR differences between Indiana and Los Angeles. My blog just talks about a few. I could seriously dedicate an entire blog with a list of so many things I have learned, good things to know about LA, etc.

Just want to remind you, that any of you can leave a comment! Do it! Especially if you have any questions I can answer or talk about in my video blogs. Feel free to ask =)

I love you for watching.


  1. She was in my way for sure, I was about to tell her to go back home so she would get out of my way

  2. Hi AFishy :) I'm over a month late in seeing & commenting on this post haha sorry. But I like the part where you were talking about how LA people don't decorate as well for Christmas. I was in Vegas last year in December, and obviously the casinos go all out, but in general I noticed the same thing. What I did LOVE though were the lights on palm trees. Did you see much of that? Clearly, it'd be hard to find palm trees in good 'ol Indiana so it made me happy! However, the lack of Christmas decor and weather still just made it not feel like Christmas. Anyway, love your blog! Keep it up girl! Miss you!
